Don't we all get tired of training the same old way we always do in the gym? I will answer honestly on this one and say YES we all get stuck in the same routine that we always do just because it's habit and probably for the most part pretty easy. I am a huge creature of habit as most of us are and had to finally make a conscious effort to change my routine at the gym.
I think the first step to figuring out how to change your routine is figuring out what you are trying to accomplish thru your workouts. What kind of results are you trying to gain and what are your main goals for picking that different routine. I know for me I wanted to keep the lean look that I have so I found a program called Tabata training. It involves performing different exercises that are timed in 20 second intervals with a 10 second rest in between for a total of 8 sets. I combine weight training exercises as well as cardio exercises in this particular program. I may do a set of sprints as one exercise and then I may throw consecutive punches on the heavy bag as hard & quick as I can for another exercise. Next, I may do upright rows using a straight bar with the cables and tricep push downs with the straight bar for another. I found that starting out with cardio intervals first and weight training intervals next worked well for me.
This type of training not only keeps me staying lean but takes my cardiovascular skills to a whole other level that I never knew existed. I also found that with my weight training I was able to focus more and see results quicker then in my old mundane workouts. I also started taking boxing lessons a couple times a week. I found this to be an amazing cardiovascular workout as well as upper body workout. I believe in changing up your workout programs about every 4-6 weeks depending on what your goals are and what results you are trying to gain. Our bodies also get content and use to the same old routines that we do so they need to be shocked continuously in order to produce more effect results. Change is good not just in our everyday life but in our workouts as well!
If you realize that you are not quite getting the results that you are looking for or you find yourself daydreaming while working out in the gym-I'd say IT'S TIME for a new workout program ASAP!! Listen to your body and make that change! Once you do I promise you will not be sorry! I know for myself when I finally took the initiative to switch my program I was very happy with the end results..:)
Next time you look in the mirror ask yourself if you are happy with what you see! If not it's simple, switch your workout program, shock that body, eat clean & most importantly count your calorie intake daily!! You will love the results as well as the new workouts! I know I do!!