CHOCOLATE, COOKIES, BROWNIES, SUGAR-COATED GOODIES, etc.. And the list goes on & on & on!! What happens when we eat clean all the time and ignore those cravings that our body yearns for once in awhile? I eat clean pretty much most of the time but what I have recently found out is that denying my body that treat when the craving is strong may not always be the right decision.
I think that if you eat clean all week long you should allow your body that "cheat" meal on the weekend or whenever you decide that cheat meal should be. I found that ignoring that craving to allow myself that treat was only leading to over-indulging when I decided to have that sweet temptation. That only resulted in consuming excess calories & feeling miserable afterwards because I was making up for lost cravings. Obviously if you are training for something, have some photo shoots or whatever it may be coming up then of course you may want to wait on having those cheat meals till afterwards. I would say as a general rule of thumb when you eat clean all week you deserve a reward and you should treat yourself to something yummy.
I don't mean go drive to the largest buffet in town & pig out for an hour as your cheat meal but eat something yummy that your craving while maintaining portion control. Once you've had that cheat meal that your body is craving then your body should be satisfied and back on schedule till the next cheat meal. I find that solution works best for me in maintaining balance in my diet. If I ignore that craving when it hits me then when I do finally give in my calories for the day quadruple. That's not a good thing so to avoid that from happening I enjoy my cheat when it comes time!
Eating healthy is about finding balance within yourself & depriving yourself all the time only results in the opposite! All I am trying to say is that you can eat healthy all the time but if your body is craving something sweet or salty you need to reward yourself that meal sometimes. Your body just as your mind needs change so we need to listen to it and do it!!
Many times you will find that after you consume that cheat meal you may even look better then you did before! Allowing yourself a treat is not a bad thing, it only becomes bad when you have no portion control & you start binging. You will not have a binge if you do not deprive yourself all the time.
I am a sweet lover over salt so on the weekends or whenever I designate my cheat meal to be I take it in sugar instead of salty foods! You need to enjoy life and taking away all the good stuff it has to offer will only lead you to misery!!
My advice! Eat clean & make sure you have that cheat meal in your eating plan somewhere! People get very cranky especially when it comes to food and eating clean in general! Don't make those miserable around you because you are depriving yourself of something you shouldn't have to!!
**REMEMBER** keep counting your calories daily and know how much you need to burn!! That way it won't matter when you have that yummy treat! It won't show anyhow-or it may surprise you & you will look better...:)
At February 2, 2010 at 5:53 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Alicia,
A friend of mine referred me to your site because she says that you post excellent tips all the time. I too am always looking for tips and ideas as I am training for my first triathlon.
I signed up for this event so that I could get back in shape for my 40th birthday in June. I am originally from Miami, FL and now work in Ann Arbor, MI. Because it’s really two different worlds, warm sunny days to continuous overcast cold days my diet and workout routine really changed. Plus, with job stress I tend to eat the wrong foods like candy or ice cream. I am embarrassed to say that I put on a lot of weight this past year and now I can’t wait to make changes.
I tried starting my first couple of weeks of the New Year on a high protein diet and keeping my calorie intake to about 1,500. I was working out 6 days a week and burning about 1,000 calories per workout. I drank plenty of water so that helped keep me full but I was full but never satisfied. My weight adjusted the first week and then I was at a stand still and my body kept craving something sugary. For me M&M's (or W&W's-Wild and Wide) are my favorite and the craving is always in the evening?
I usually do pretty good by not stocking anything bad in my home. However, time-to-time I seem to binge for the sugar. I think because I do not have enough variety in my food selection or a planned meal plan to help shop for my mind defaults to the sugar food. Occasionally, tend to eat fruit on this diet like strawberries, blueberries and apples. Does eating fruit help spur this candy craving?
Also, do you have any tips or past successes on how to stay motivated until I reach my goal?
Thank you for your time!
At February 2, 2010 at 7:11 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Ken-thanks so much for emailing me & tell your friend I said thanks so much 4 checking out my site and referring you. I really appreciate that very much!
After reading what you wrote I think that first of all dropping your calories to that amount is really super low so I can totally understand why you get so hungry!! I would bump that up a little or eat more meals protein/with sum good carbs.. You can not function & do all the exercise you are doing on only high protein-u will crash!
I would watch your carbs but def. keep them in, I think the only time you would cut them completely out is when you are pretty much where you want to be & would like to tighten up near the end. I'm not saying you are de-carbing but just makin sure your having some..:)
I think that this process will also be a gradual one to as you prob. know. As far as your sugar cravings go I add a tsp. of cashew butter in my oatmeal every am, along with cinnamon, stevia, banana & my chocolate protein. If you scroll down on my blog u will see my oatmeal surprise recipe-that for me helps a ton in controlling my sweet cravings. What's also great about that is you eat that meal first thing in the am so that's the best time to have those carbs, fats & sugars!!
As far as fruits go-they don't cure the sugar craving for me personally but you could try it & see! It's just not the same as a sugary treat..lol...
I would say you can also try sugar-free hot chocolate mixed with water, but I am so not a fan of anything sugar-free due to all the artificial sweetners that screw up your stomach. I can't use them but some people are fine with them. If you don't mind them then that would be an idea.
It's tuff when trying to drop weight when you get those cravings. You never want to cut all your foods cold turkey though because it will lead to bingeing and your weight won't change.
I would have someone test your body fat weekly because that's what matters not how much you weigh on a scale or how you feel-make sense? If your not changing weekly then go back and check your foods-your either not eating enough of the right foods or too much of something you shouldn't. Your workouts matter as well-you should try mixing some intervals into your workouts too-that will help in burning some excess calories.
You constantly need to change your workouts so that your body does not get use to them. Your food can remain the same but you should be seeing results weekly & your body fat should be dropping.
Don't beat yourself up tho-that's the worst thing you can do! Be proud of yourself, you are making a change & that's awesome! As far as motivation goes toward reaching your goal-well I would say if your dropping body fat each week then your making progress to reaching your goal. That would be motivation enough for me!
When you start to see the weight come off I would be highly motivated to keep working hard to see more you know. That's how I always thought when I was trying to take off pounds. I would see a little result and it would make me work harder to see more-that to me was awesome!!
Just keep thinking of what you are going to look like when you reach your goal & how you are going to feel! I would even look at the fitness mags & see all the fitness people in such killer shape & that would motivate me!!
I hope some of this helps you! It's a hard road but you WILL get there just stick with it. Mix up your food & workouts to find what will work for you!
Def. get your body fat measured weekly-that to me is key in knowing what is working & what is not you know. I always had that done when competing so I knew exactly where I was & how much time I had left to get to where I needed to be for the event I was in!
Good luck & never give up! You'll be great-let me know how you do!
At February 3, 2010 at 8:50 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much for your feedback. I greatly appreciate your time and am looking forward to implementing your tips!
I have never focused on my body fat percentage as a goal before so I am happy to hear about this. I have always focused on a core number of what I wanted to achieve. My digital scale includes body fat and water hydration percent. For some reason the body fat percentage seems to be inconsistent. Is there a better measurement tool that will help me track this?
I am happy that you mentioned your oatmeal surprised because I use to eat oatmeal (Quaker Oats Weight Control Cinnamon) religiously and it seem to do a great job at keeping my appetite in check until lunch time. When I had a smoothie or yogurt I tend to crave more snacks through out the day. My new Iphone has some applications, such as Spark People, which allows me to keep a log of what I have eaten for the day. This information is useful so that when I am at the gym I can focus on what to burn. You mention that my calories might be a little low? I wished I lived in Arizona so that I could take advantage of some of your training services. Do you offer any other consultation services for new fans like me? My email is motorcitytriathlete@gmail.com where we maybe can talk privately so it’s not on your blog. I would be looking more for a nutritional plan, as that is really my weakness.
My triathlon event is in 80 days. I am doing a sprint version, ½ mile swim, 19-mile bike ride and 4-mile jog. Do you want to join in? —LOL. So far most of my routine has been all cardio and only 1 day a week total body weight training. I do have that Rocky Balboa eye of the tiger right when trying starting out I just tend to get sidetracked! As for fitness people, I think fitness women like You, Monica Brant and Jillian Michaels are hot and sexy!!! I love your gallery but it’s missing a photo I seen on Yahoo. You are on a beach in a purple swimsuit J!
In regards of guys who I would like to transition into, the dudes inside the Muscle and Fitness magazine or fitness ads are way to huge and bulky for me. I am more of a Ryan Reynolds or Ben Affleck guy. However, I am not really an imitator or a poser. I like to be me. When riding my road bike I don’t dress up like Lance Armstrong or when I swim I don’t wear speedo’s like Michael Phelps. I’m a South Floridian who wears board shorts and t-shirt. Because I dress formally for work I like to dress down outside the office unless I am going out. The reality is that I am a very easygoing guy that gives 110% to others and not enough to myself. I like what I do but I have let my career control my schedule. Ok, sorry for babbling-LOL.
Can I ask you another question? Do you tend to work out in the am or pm more? Does one benefit more than the other? During the week, I like work out in the evening. On weekends I have an excitement to get up early and hit the gym hard before anyone gets there. Watching the Biggest Loser each week I am wondering if I am not doing enough each day at the gym? What are your thoughts?
Alicia, thank you for being truly a genuine person and responding back to me!
At March 9, 2010 at 9:15 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I am so sorry for gettin back to you so late, I don't always get these replies on time directly when they are written. I've also been swamped with a million things in life..lol.. as I'm sure you can relate with as well.
I wish you good luck in ur race coming up! Just train hard, watch your diet & it will all fall into place!
Have a wonderful rest of the week! Again I appreciate you contacting me & all your kind words! I am sorry I do not have the time to write back more but I wanted to at least get back to you since it's been awhile!!
All the best,
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